Hey there!

I’m Erin Payne

Toddler momma, artist, sunshine lover, & Florida native. I started Hey Erin Payne on YouTube back in 2020 when I was pregnant with my first child as a way to document my pregnancy and life as a newlywed. Since then, I’ve combined my graphic design roots with my type-A need for an organized life with my pressing desire to make lasting family memories, and put my efforts into creating resources and printables to help others better manage their home and bring back the family fun! ~ Two things I am uber passionate about. Because let’s face it, when I became a mom, my world got a whole lot crazier and heaps more precious.

My hope is to help you take control of your household and organize your family’s life so that you can make room for the fun stuff and get back to making memories!

rapid fire facts

About Me

I love the beach, coffee-flavored ice cream, theme parks, nostalgia, holidays, and board games. I hate Black Friday shopping, wearing pants while I sleep, and eating apples *bleh*. My favorite country I’ve traveled to is Nicaragua. I was in a circus in college. I am a terrible napper. And my husband and I are a Tinder success story.

My husband & our little girl are my everything! (aren’t they cute?!)