17 Diaper Bag Must Haves for On The Go Families with Infants

Not sure what to include in your diaper bag must haves checklist? I’m sharing my 17 tried and true diaper bag essentials so you can bring your infant along on your next family fun day without the stress of thinking you left something behind!

So you aren’t a diaper bag packing pro yet. No worries, I am!

As an active, seasoned mama myself and a ridiculous over-thinker with minimalist tendencies, I’ve definitely found the balance when it comes to packing diaper bag essentials. The trick is to not pack so much that your bag is overflowing and you can’t find anything, while also making sure you have the essentials that with help you out in any situation.

Sound impossible? Fear not!

After reading this post, you’ll be the newest member of the Badass Diaper Bag Packing Club. Welcome.

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Diaper Bag Essential Tips

So you wanna know what’s in my diaper bag? Before we dive into my diaper bag checklist, I want to share some quick diaper bag tips that can really make or break the likelihood of your family having a good time on your outing with baby.

Choose the right diaper bag

We prefer a roomy, gender-neutral backpack style because it is more comfortable to carry and anyone can grab it and feel confident when they’re out with the fam. Having extra room inside is also nice in case you pick anything up along the way.

Re-pack your bag right when you get home

This will make things so much less stressful when you are in a rush trying to get everything and everyone else ready and out the door the next time you want to take Baby with you.

Diaper Bag Must Haves

  1. Changing Kit

This may be the most important set of items on your diaper bag checklist. This is a small pouch or bag that has the essentials you need for changing your baby’s diaper.

Changing kit must haves for our family:

It’s handy to keep all of the items in your own kit so that you can grab it easily and have everything you need when sh*t hits the fan.

diaper bag must haves - changing kit

This kit from Keababies has compartments and a changing mat built in for total diaper changing convenience!

diaper bag essentials - clutch

We use this clutch from Azaria & it holds all of our changing essentials while still being stylish and compact.

2. Change of Clothes

We like to keep a spare onesie in our changing kit in case of a blowout. These kimono-style onesies are our favorite. You don’t want to be stuck in the middle of the grocery store with a baby covered in poo.

3. Wet Bag

This is handy for wet clothes, stinky diapers when you can’t find a trash can, or whenever else you might just need a bag. There are legit wet bags you can buy or you can just grab a few leftover plastic grocery bags. These from Amazon have such cute patterns!

4. Stain remover

Seriously you guys… this is one of our diaper bag ESSENTIALS. Get a small spray bottle and fill it with laundry stain remover. Whenever you have a blowout or a spill, just wet it, spray some of this on there, and put it in your wet bag. No more stains!

5. Drool Bibs & Burp Cloths

When infants are in that spit-up stage, it can be really frustrating. I’ve been there. Drooly phases aren’t much better. Drool bibs and burp cloths are a lifesaver when it comes to winning these levels. KeaBabies has so many adorable options for drool bibs. We personally have these pastel ones for our baby girl.

Quick Tip: Keep a burp cloth in the outer part of your bag if you can. You may need to grab it quickly! We like these muslin burp cloths from Amazon.

6. Compact Baby Carrier

We always always always keep a compact baby carrier in our pack. It’s so nice to have your hands free when your baby wants to be held. (Plus it was the only way our baby would nap!)

We prefer a wrap carrier when they’re itty bitty because you can get it nice a tight and you can just shove them to the bottom of your diaper bag. We also LOVE our Konny Baby Summer Carrier for hot days.—No wrapping required!

7. Pacifier +

If your baby takes a paci, this should be one of your mega diaper bag must haves. We like to keep ours in a little case that hangs off our pack so that it’s easy to grab. Pacifier clips are also great so that they stick with your bubba instead of falling to the floor whenever they spit it out.

8. Sound Machine

This is so nice to have if your baby is trying to nap when your family is out and about. It helps to dull any sudden noises that may occur. We use and love this portable sound machine.

9. Noise Canceling Ear muffs

These ear muffs are an item we picked up when we had to attend a show that we knew would get really loud. They cover your baby’s ears and block out a ton of noise! We don’t use this every day, but when you are at the county fair and realize the teacup pig race announcer is SO INCREDIBLY LOUD, you’re going to thank me.

10. Lightweight Blanket

These muslin swaddle blankets are one of our favorite and most versatile diaper bag must haves that really don’t take up much space.—Lay it down on the ground for sitting, use it as a nursing cover, or even use it to clean up a spill.

11. Toys

Keep your baby engaged on the go! We always keep a a little crinkle book (it’s flat and compact) and some teether toys attached to a pacifier clip with us.

12. Nursing Cover or bottles

This one depends on if you are breastfeeding or bottle-feeding. Just make sure you can comfortably provide the milk when it matters.

Of course, using a nursing cover is optional. But it’s always been one of my diaper bag must haves, not so much for privacy, but so that my baby would focus on the task at hand and not get distracted by the hustle and bustle going on around her. I love these covers because they are a real multi-purpose, heavy-hitter item. We use ours as a nursing cover, a car seat cover, and a grocery cart handle cover.

13. Weather Specific Items

This is something we typically grab before running out the door. Make sure you have some sunscreen, a jacket, or a sunhat depending on the weather.

14. Water

This is mostly for you mama. Grab your Hydroflask and stay hydrated and healthy for that bubba!

15. Snacks

Another one for you. No one likes a hangry mama. I always keep an RX Bar in our bag.

16. Emergency Kit

Are you picking up that these last ones are for you? I always keep a small pouch with emergency-type, what-if items in it like… a tampon, mini deodorant, pain meds, bandaids, hair ties, eye drops, tums, etc. I keep these in a small mesh zipper pouch at the bottom of our pack.

17. mini umbrella

Okay, this last one might be excessive. But I’m telling you, they make super compact umbrellas nowadays and you are going to super appreciate that you put this in the bottom of your bag when it starts pouring rain at the blueberry festival.

diaper bag must haves

Now you know all of the best diaper bag must haves you should pack. Can’t you feel it?—You’re a diaper bag packing pro now! Feel confident that you and your family are ready for anything on your next adventure with Baby.


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